Indagar Wiki


Rangers are a pseudo-military arm of the Forest Tribes, serving as their regional law enforcement as well as protectors of the Tribes. Rangers were all once Tribesfolk that were either enlisted or forced to enlist in Ranger Outfits to server the Tribes until their death or retirement. They are employed and trained in the service of Ranger Outfits which are funded by the Tribes. There, they receive extensive martial training and survival training as it is the job of Rangers to track criminals into the Great Forest as well as protect the villages from ferocious beasts. Rangers are therefore expert trackers and pragmatic survivalists. They typically ride forest Elk and fight from their backs using javelins or throwing axes. Further, they are well gifted in the arts of ambush, trap laying, and combat with their signature double axes.

Stat Card[]

Core Stats

  • Points - 18
  • Movement - Fast
  • Wounds - 2
  • Base Size - Large
  • Acts - 2
  • Morale - 7


  • Assault
  • Tactical

Ranged Roles

  • Volley - Range 12 inches

Special Rules

  • Majority Rule - Monster Killers
  • X Wounds are allocated first to the enemy DUF starting with the Models who have the most Wounds and the enemy player choosing on ties, then allocating remaining Wounds as normal.
  • Ambush (U)
  • Sure Footed (U)
  • Rapid Shot (U)


Rangers are the outcasts of Tribe society who are enlisted into Ranger Outfits to serve a military style life until death or retirement. Only the foolhardy volunteer for service as a Ranger as most Rangers have violent, short lives. Rangers are the law enforcement of the Tribes. They hunt down criminals and enforce Tribal law as protectors of the people at large. Further, Rangers are also responsible for protecting villages from the worst creatures of the Great Forest, sometimes having to track down violent animals for weeks. They also have the notorious distinction of being the people who must find those who have been fully possessed by The Wild and bring them to an end. Thus, Rangers are always kept at arm's length. There is never a point where Rangers come to a village bringing good news.

Learn More: Ranger Lore

In Battle[]

Rangers are expert survivalists, trackers, trappers, and hunters. They ride large, forest Elk into battle, which is their preferred method of transportation. They train to fight from Elk-back, using ranged techniques with the javelin or other thrown weapons. Further, as they are very used to fighting in the tight confines of the Great Forest, complex maneuvers involving throwing weapons and fighting while mounted are common for them. Rangers are all equipped with their signature weapons which are two, hand axes. These axes are the lifeline of a Ranger, not only acting as his weapons but also as his tools for survival in the forest.

Rangers are expert ambush hunters and trackers. As pragmatic survivalists, their primary method of battle is to ambush, strike hard, and then fade away. This is a well practiced technique for hunting creatures in the forest, and Rangers carry this with them into battle.

All Rangers wear the solid, green cloak of the Ranger as a signature of their station.

Return to Forest Tribes Army

--Neil (talk) 16:55, 24 October 2016 (AST)
